- Warung Tekko are famously known for our ‘Iga Penyet’ (Fried Short Ribs with Special Smashed Red Jalapeno Sauce) and ‘Konro Bakar Saus Madu’ (Honey BBQ Back Ribs). The ‘Iga Penyet’ is served with four varying levels of spicy smashed Jalapeno sauce (mild, medium, hot, and extra hot), so that everyone is able to choose their preferred level of spiciness.
The first Warung Tekko was opened in 2008 in Pantai Indah Kapuk – North of Jakarta, Indonesia. Currently, Warung Tekko are serving authentic Indonesian food from more than 46 outlets across the Indonesian archipelago and has become one of Indonesia’s fastest growing locally owned and operated Indonesian restaurants.
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Menu Delivery Warung Tekko
No Hidden Charges! Harga sudah termasuk Pajak & Service, belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Ayam Goreng
Rp. 27,500
Ayam Goreng Penyet
Rp. 27,500
Ayam Manis Bumbu Kacang
Rp. 27,500
Ayam Goreng Special Tekko
Rp. 27,500
Bebek Bacem Sambel Gledek
Rp. 60,500
Sate Ayam
Rp. 38,500
Soto Betawi
Rp. 35,200
Rp. 19,800
Bubur Ayam
Rp. 16,500
Rp. 27,500
Tahu Gejrot
Rp. 13,750